How to Reach

Pune to H'gad           Mumbai to H'gad           Kolhapur to H'gad          

Harishchadragad has its base villages at Khireshwar and Pachnai. There are a few more villages from where you could start the trek however Khireshwar and Pachnai are recommended as the base village for the Harishchandragad trek.

Best Route from Kolhapur to Harishchandragad Kolhapur - Satara - Pune - Nasik Phata - Narayangaon - Junnar - Khubi Phata - Khireshwar

Best Route from Mumbai to Harishchandragad
Mumbai - Kalyan - Ghatghar - Khubi phata - Khireshwar

Best Route from Pune to Harishchandragad
Pune - Nasik Phata - Narayangaon - Junnar - Khubi Phata - Khireshwar

Kedareshwar Caves
At the end of a track towards the right of Harishchandreshwar temple is the Kedareshwar cave.
Taramati peak

Taramati peak at a height of 4695ft is the highest point on the Harishchandragad fort. In fact Yaramati is the second higest point in Maharashra second only to Kalsubai in the same range.

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