Distance from Major cities..
Pune to Dapoli 200
Mumbai to Dapoli 250
Kolhapur to Dapoli 225
Nagpur to Dapoli1150
Ahm'bad to Dapoli 775
B'lore to Dapoli 850
If you are driving from Pune to Dapoli you have the option of choosing from three different routes. The shortest route would be via Bhor however considering road condition route via Mahabaleshwar be the better route to take.
Best Route from Kolhapur to Dapoli
Chandoli - Amba Ghat - Karnjari - Pali - Hathkumbe - Nivli Phata - Chiplun - Khed - Dapoli
Best Route from Mumbai to Dapoli
Panvel - Rohe - Mahad - Khed - Dapoli
Best Route from Pune to Dapoli
Pune - Bhor - Mahad - Poladpur - Khed - Dapoli
If you have a sea food crazy apetite Jagdish Lunch Home is one place that you cant't miss out on. A small place in the heart of the town this is serves real kokani sea food!