Around Dahanu

Around Dahanu..

Dahanu is a weekend destination and not really a place for a long vacation, however its a great place to include in a trip to the nearby tribal areas like Jawhar and Sajan. In Dahanu its beach hopping from Dahanu to Narpad to Bordi that you can do in the almost 20 km long coastline. You can also visitt the orchards and chikoo farms nearby.

Dahanu Beach Warli Paintings Dahanu

Food in Dahanu

Dahanu is famous for Parsi food. You can try some great Parsi food in any of the local parsi restaurants. You can especially treat yourself to Fried Boi(Mullet Fish), vin-daloo fish curry, sali margi or ghosht.

Distance from Major cities




Mahalakshmi Temple30




Jai Vilas Palace - Jawhar
Jawhar - The Tribal Hills..

Jawhar is a small hill station located about 70 Kilometers from Dahanu. An erstwhile tribal kingdom in Maharashtra Jawhar is famous for the warli paintings. The Jai Vilas palace the residential palace of the kings of Munke family is a major tourist attraction here. There are a few scenic 'points' also here.

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Beaches in Maharashtra