How to Reach

Pune to Lohagad           Mumbai to Lohagad           Kolhapur to Lohagad

Lohagad is one of the few forts in Maharashtra that can be reached by train. Located almost equidistant from Mumbai and Pune Lohagad is very near the railway line between Mumbai and Pune. The nearest railway station is Malawli and Lonavala where more trains stop is under 10 Kms from Malawli.

Best Route from Kolhapur to Lohagad
Kolhapur - Satara - Pune - (Mumbai - Pune Exp way) - Malawli - Bhaje - Lohagad

Best Route from Mumbai to Lohagad
Mumbai - Lonavala - Malawli -Bhaje - Lohagad

Best Route from Pune to Lohagad
Pune - (Mumbai - Pune Exp way) - Malawli - Bhaje - Lohagad

Karla Caves
The Karla Caves is a complex of ancient Buddhist rock-cut shrines in Karla near Lohagad
Bhaje Caves
Bhaje caves between Malavli and 'Bhaje gaav' is a great stop on your way to Lohagad fort. A group of 22 rock cut caves the Bhaje caves to be built buddhist monks in the 2nd centuary BC.
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Forts in Maharashtra